The Lonesome Mouse (Short 1943)

The Lonesome Mouse

1943 · Approved · 8min · English

Jerry crashes a vase onto Tom's head, which gets Mammy to throw Tom out. Jerry revels in his freedom, among other things turning Tom's picture into a Hitler caricature then spitting on it. But he soon tires of this, and under a flag of truce, hatches a plan with Tom. The abnormally talkative duo stage a grand chase, but whenever they're out of sight of Mammy, they fak...

IMDb rating - 7.8/10 from 1.2K users

Genres - Animation · Short · Comedy · Family

Director - Joseph Barbera · William Hanna

Story line - Jerry crashes a vase onto Tom's head, which gets Mammy to throw Tom out. Jerry revels in his freedom, among other things turning Tom's picture into a Hitler caricature then spitting on it. But he soon tires of this, and under a flag of truce, hatches a plan with Tom. The abnormally talkative duo stage a grand chase, but whenever they're out of sight of Mammy, they fake it, pausing for patty-cake, a turkey leg, and a drum jam session. Eventually, Tom chases Jerry under a rug, then swaps in a tomato, which Mammy crushes. With Jerry apparently vanquished, Tom is rewarded with a pie, but when Jerry tries to claim his share, Tom shuts him out. —Jon Reeves <>

Release date - May 22, 1943 (United States)

Countries of origin - United States

Also known as - Самотне мишеня

Production company - Loew's · MGM Cartoon Studio · Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Tag: Animation Comedy Family Short TopShort

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