Father and Daughter (Short 2000)

Father and Daughter

2000 · 8min · Color · None

A father says goodbye to his young daughter. Time passes and the daughter moves through life age by age, but within her there is always a deep longing for her father.

IMDb rating - 7.9/10 from 6.2K users

Genres - Animation · Short · Drama

Director - Michael Dudok de Wit

Writer - Michael Dudok de Wit

Story line - A father says goodbye to his young daughter and leaves. As the wide Dutch landscapes live through their seasons so the girl lives through hers. She becomes a young woman, has a family and in time she becomes old, yet within her there is always a deep longing for her father. —Anonymous

Release date - August 2001 (United States)

Countries of origin - United Kingdom · Belgium · Netherlands

Official site - www.acmefilmworks.com · www.dudokdewit.demon.co.uk

Also known as - Батько і донька

Production company - CinéTé Filmproductie BV · Cloudrunner Ltd.

Tag: Animation Drama Short TopShort


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