Baby Butch (Short 1954)

Baby Butch

1954 · Approved · 7min · English

An alley cat disguises himself as an abandoned baby in order to con his way inside the house of Tom and Jerry.

IMDb rating - 7.6/10 from 807 users

Genres - Animation · Short · Comedy · Family

Director - Joseph Barbera · William Hanna

Story line - An alley cat is foraging for food when he sees Tom's house and decides it's a rich haul. He dresses as a foundling baby and lands on the doorstep. Tom takes him in and Butch proceeds to raid the fridge between Tom's babying him. What he doesn't know is that Jerry's going to grab the ham Butch swiped every chance he gets. —Jon Reeves <>

Release date - August 14, 1954 (United States)

Countries of origin - United States

Also known as - Flirten will gelernt sein

Production company - Loew's · MGM Cartoon Studio · Quimby-Hanna/Barbera

Tag: Animation Comedy Family Short TopShort

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