The Little House (Short 1952)

The Little House

1952 · Approved · 8min · English

The story of a little house, experiencing isolation progress through the ages, finding happiness in the quiet, simple countryside.

IMDb rating - 7.6/10 from 568 users

Genres - Animation · Short · Family

Director - Wilfred Jackson

Writer - Bill Peet(story adaptation) · William Cottrell(story adaptation) · Virginia Lee Burton(book)

Story line - The and the history of a cute , simple, little house that used to live on a little hill on the countryside and how different times and ages passed by it from the classic time to the modern progressive time and how did these times affect this little house

Release date - August 8, 1952 (United States)

Countries of origin - United States

Also known as - Det lilla huset

Production company - Walt Disney Productions

Tag: Animation Family Short TopShort

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