Knick Knack (Short 1989)

Knick Knack

1989 · G · 4min · Color · English · Hebrew

A snow globe snowman wants to join the other travel souvenirs in a hot party, but the glass dome that surrounds him gets in his way, despite all his efforts.

IMDb rating - 7.5/10 from 14K users

Genres - Animation · Short · Comedy · Family

Director - John Lasseter

Writer - John Lasseter

Story line - A snow globe snowman wants to join the other travel souvenirs in a hot party, but the glass dome that surrounds him gets in his way, despite all his efforts.

Release date - November 25, 1992 (United States)

Countries of origin - United States

Official site -

Also known as - Knickknack

Production company - Pixar Animation Studios

Tag: Animation Comedy Family Short TopShort


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