Bedlam in Paradise (Short 1955)

Bedlam in Paradise

1955 · Passed · 16min · Black and White · English

BLUE SKY BUFFOONERY ALL THE WAY!!! (original poster-all caps)

Shemp dies but cannot get into heaven until he reforms Moe and Larry. He returns to earth as an invisible spirit and sets out to prevent the other two stooges, who are in league with the devil, from selling a phony invention (a fountain pen that writes under whip cream) to a rich couple. Shemp sabotages Moe and Larry's plans and makes it through the pearly gates.

IMDb rating - 7.5/10 from 281 users

Genres - Short · Comedy · Fantasy

Director - Jules White

Writer - Felix Adler(screenplay) · Zion Myers(story)

Stars - Moe Howard · Larry Fine · Shemp Howard

Story line - Shemp dies but cannot get into heaven until he reforms Moe and Larry. He returns to earth as an invisible spirit and sets out to prevent the other two stooges, who are in league with the devil, from selling a phony invention (a fountain pen that writes under whip cream) to a rich couple. Shemp sabotages Moe and Larry's plans and makes it through the pearly gates. —Mitch Shapiro <>

Release date - April 14, 1955 (United States)

Countries of origin - United States

Also known as - Gruesome Threesome

Production company - Columbia Pictures

Tag: Comedy Fantasy Short TopShort

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